2025 Call for Speakers

Are you passionate about promoting sustainability, reducing waste, and driving positive change towards a circular economy? We invite you to join us as a speaker at the 12th Annual Zero Waste Symposium, where we’ll explore innovative solutions and strategies to achieve a zero waste future.

Event Details:

  • Date: TBD
  • Location: County of San Diego, Campus Center Hearing Room
  • Theme: TBD

Why Speak at our Symposium?

  • Showcase your expertise in zero waste, sustainability, reuse, organics, food recovery, and the circular economy.
  • Connect with industry leaders, professionals, and activists committed to a sustainable future.
  • Share your insights, research, and success stories to inspire positive change.
  • Contribute to meaningful discussions and collaborations that advance zero-waste practices.

We Welcome Presentations on Topics Such as:

  • Zero Waste Initiatives
  • Circular Economy Models and Implementation
  • Innovations in Recycling and Composting
  • Sustainable Packaging and Product Design
  • Food Recovery Programs and Strategies
  • Zero Waste Case Studies and Success Stories
  • Waste Reduction and Recycling Technologies
  • Sustainable Practices in Agriculture and Food Production

Join us as an in-person speaker at the 12th Annual Zero Waste Symposium and be a driving force in the journey towards sustainability, reuse, and a circular economy. Together, let’s turn the vision of zero waste into reality.

    Tips for Choosing a Photo for Upload

    Why are we requesting this? We want to present you at your best!

    • Professional studio photos are acceptable.
    • The photo should be recent – within the last year. If it’s the same photo on your website for years, maybe a new photo is in order.
    • If you don’t have studio lighting, take the photo outdoors.
    • The best time to snap great photos is dawn, dusk, or a bright, cloudy day. Avoid direct sun.
    • Find a shady spot with a suitable background.
    • Ask a friend for help. No selfies. The perspective is off when the lens is that close.
    • Have your friend hold your phone from six feet away. While you smile, have them take many photos and choose the best one.
    • The photo should show at least your head, shoulders, and torso.
    • There should be a decent amount of space around your form.
    • The photo should be at least 1000 pixels wide and 1000 pixels tall.
    • Before you send the photo, open it up in a photo browsing app—Zoom in to 100%. If we can’t see the eye color, separate eyelashes, or eyebrow hairs, it’s probably too blurry or too small.
    • While these should be understood, it’s probably worth saying it here:
      • No sunglasses, baseball caps, or broad-brimmed hats. (We need to see your eyes. If you are visually impaired, sunglasses are acceptable.)
      • No photos of just your face or part of your face.
      • Do not enlarge a smaller photo to make it big enough to meet the requirements. It will be blurry.
      • No tiny screen-captured photos from another website.
      • No photos of your pet or flowers.
      • No action shots.
      • No background removal. Just you and a real background.
      • Unless it’s professionally done, don’t pre-crop or edit the photo. We’ll manage that.
      • No blurry, underexposed, overexposed, or off-centered photos.

    Small Print: Filling out this application does not guarantee that you will be selected. All selected speakers will have their presentations recorded by Zero Waste San Diego (ZWSD) for future display on YouTube or a similar venue. Recordings are the property of ZWSD. All selected speakers must submit their slide decks to a later specified Google Drive folder or similar venue. We will be using these slides for the presentation. Slides will be combined into a single deck, so slide decks must be ready by _this date_.