Zero Waste Symposium 2024
Time | Track | Description |
8:00 AM | Opening | Welcome to the Zero Waste Symposium Speaker: Richard Anthony |
9:00 AM | Opening | Land Acknowledgment Speaker: Alison Schlick |
9:02 AM | Opening | Definition of Zero Waste and The Nine Principles Speaker: Richard Anthony |
9:07 AM | State Politics | Bringing Zero Waste To The California Senate Speaker: Senator Catherine Blakespear |
9:12 AM | Affiliate Update | Updates On California Resource Recovery Association (CRRA) Speaker: Tracie Bills |
9:22 AM | Keynote | Three Perspectives On Getting To The Circular Economy Speakers: William O’Toole, Tina Nguyen, and Isabella Sullins |
9:37 AM | State Legislation | California’s Policies and Legislations Update Speaker: Nick Lapis |
9:48 AM | Local Politics | City of San Diego Measure B Update Speaker: Councilmember Joe LaCava |
9:59 AM | Local Gov’t | County of San Diego SB 1383 Update Speaker: Kaitlin Lowe |
10:10 AM | Local Gov’t | City of San Diego – On The Road To Zero Waste Speaker: Renee Robertson |
10:21 AM | Local Gov’t | City of Chula Vista – Organic Waste Program Speaker: Manuel Medrano |
10:32 AM | Hauler | State of Recycling (Hauler’s Perspective) Speaker: Richard Coupland |
10:43 AM | SB 54 Panel | Let’s Talk About SB 54 Speaker: Manuel Medrano |
10:53 AM | SB 54 Panel | Sustainability Ever After: Decoding California’s Plastic Reduction, Recycle, Compost Legislation Speaker: Lori Mendez |
11:03 AM | SB 54 Panel | SB 54: Addressing the Impacts of Single-Use Packaging & Plastic Food Service Ware Speaker: Doug Kobold |
11:13 AM | Q & A | |
11:29 AM | Lunch / Networking | |
12:55 PM | Local Program | Reduce and Reuse: How Do I Track What I Don’t Know! Speaker: Sue Beets-Atkinson |
1:06 PM | Local Program | Partnership Opportunities with PaintCare Speaker: Valentina Hopkins |
1:17 PM | Local Program | The Middle Way of Sustainability Speaker: meg ferrigno |
1:28 PM | Local Program | Successfully Tackling The Hidden Retail Plastic Wrap Problem Speaker: Matthew Clough |
1:39 PM | Local Program | Keeping The Planet Beautiful One Haircut At a Time Speakers: Melissa Parker and Easton Bajsec |
1:50 PM | Local Action | San Diego Brewcycling Collaborative: Fermenting Change in San Diego Craft Beverage Industry Since 2021 Speaker: Luke Suttmiller |
2:01 PM | Youth NPO | Building Sustainable Communities Through Youth Education and Community Composting Speaker: Tina Matthias |
2:12 PM | Youth NPO | The Next Generation of Emerald Keepers Speaker: Emerald Keepers H.S. Interns |
2:23 PM | Q & A | |
2:35 PM | Break / Networking | |
2:50 PM | Local Action | Sustainable Packaging: Our Roles in Driving Innovation Speaker: Michelle Mayther |
3:01 PM | Local Action | Plant a garden and save the planet! Speaker: Fredrika Syren |
3:12 PM | Local Action | Sustainability and Community Speaker: Liz Murphy |
3:23 PM | Local Action | Closing the Loop One Swap At a Time Speaker: Amy Unruh |
3:34 PM | Local Action | The Natural Cycle of Organic Material Speaker: Jessica Toth |
3:45 PM | Local Action | Zero Waste San Diego: We Are Small, But We’re Mighty Speaker: Zero Waste San Diego |
3:50 PM | Q & A | |
4:00 PM | Regional Education | Need for Regional Education Program Speaker: Richard Anthony |
4:06 PM | Regional Education | Measure D: 30 Years Lessons Learned Speaker: Ruth Abbe |
4:19 PM | Closing Remarks | Richard Anthony |
4:30 PM | Networking | Join us at Khan’s Cave to keep the discussion going! 9350 Clairemont Mesa Blvd, San Diego, CA 92123 |