William OToole

Zero Waste Symposium 2024

William O'Toole

William OToole

Executive Director/Founder

EcoNomics Inc

  • Three Perspectives on Getting to the Circular Economy
  • February 28, 2024 9:22 am
  • Video

About William

William graduated from U.C. San Diego with a degree in Systems Ecology in 1977 and opened his one-man consulting company in Del Mar. Deeply committed to helping save the rainforests and to stop clear-cutting in the Amazon, he committed himself to making recycling a “permanent” part of the economic system, naming his company “EcoNomics” to represent ecology and the economic structure co-existing and thriving together.

Because markets for recyclables are the backbone of the entire system, William focused his efforts on linking materials to end markets and developing markets, which at the time considered recycling programs “unreliable” sources of materials.

William is one of the founders of the California Resource Recovery Association (CRRA) and Californians Against Waste (CAW). He was instrumental in getting AB 939 passed and has continued to work on legislation and regulations supporting recycling.

William worked to implement some of California’s first curbside recycling programs, including those in Solana Beach in the San Diego area and later in the City of Los Angeles. He has continuously worked with the State, the recycling industry, counties, and cities to expand recycling and diversion into all sectors and expand the materials recycled and diverted.

William is a “hands-on visionary” whose dedication and work have greatly developed and expanded recycling in California. He continues working collaboratively to create a sustainable materials management industry and zero waste.